I've been reading On Writing by Stephen King, and I'm flabbergasted at the phenomenal success of his novel Carrie while he was still a full-time teacher. Is it possible for writers to be that successful today? There seems to be more writers than ever, and most seem to be online. There are multitude of sites where one can write for hire. There are sites where one can write and share in the revenues, but these sites definitely don't make you rich quick. The income slips in like treacle.

So is it possible to make a living with your own writing? At this time, I write this blog, write for Persona Paper, Hubpages, Fiver, TSU, and sell educational resources, but none come anywhere near making me the same money as my regular teaching gig.

Ideally, I could make enough so that I could work from home writing on a daily basis. So what does it take? First of all, it takes time. That is something that is worth its weight in gold, especially when you have another full-time job. I devote at least forty hours to my teaching job, and at least two hours per weeknight to my online writing gigs. Add to that about 6 hours on Saturday and Sunday and any holidays.

The second thing you need is stamina...the ability to keep your behind in a chair and write. I write in thirty to forty five minute spurts. I use a kitchen timer to keep me focused. I find that I focus better if I create a list with big markers and check off what I need to do in that thirty minute time. That keeps me focused and on task~at least for thirty minutes at a time.

Even when I'm reading others' blogs or articles or Hubs, I still set the timer for thirty minutes. That way I don't waste time just reading and commenting, although some sites do pay me to read and comment. I still make more money when I actively post my own articles. But, reading and commenting can increase the traffic to your own blogs and articles.

I also use two productivity tools that help me keep my writing in order: Evernote and Dropbox. Evernote is a note-taking and research gathering site that helps me keep my ideas in a centralized location. Since I have it on my tablet, in addition to my desktop, I can write in it where ever I am. Dropbox is cloud storage that I use to store my photos and other documents needed for writing.

The important thing for me is that I'm writing. I'm by no means making a living at this. I do hope so someday. I hope that someday, when I retire, I will be able to live off of my retirement and my on line writing gigs.

Some on line writers are able to make a living doing this. I've also read accounts of folks who live strictly off of their FIVERR business. I usually only have about one or two gigs at a time.

So, what do you think? Can you really make a living as a writer?


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