What's the Full News Story?

YouTube news story about dolphins washed out to sea in Hurricane Katrina.

In this lesson, the learner will do the following:

Analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, or section fits into the overall structure and contributes to the development of ideas.

Interpret information in diverse media and explain how it contributes to a topic under study.
Write narratives to develop real or imagined events using well-structured event sequences.

Discuss the guiding question with the students. Talk about recent news stories students have read or seen. After students read the introductory paragraph, invite them to discuss specific elements that make a news story complete and thorough. Those elements include facts, interviews, quotations, and pictures or video clips.

Media Literacy: The 5 Ws and H of the News

To be thorough or complete, a news report should answer six basic questions--who, what, when, where, why, and how. Reporters often use the 5 Ws and H as an outline for writing reports. The best news reports answer these questions and include additional information.

Good example of a news story:

Who is the report about?
What happened?
When did the event take place?
Where was the scene of the happenings?
Why did the event occur?
How did the event unfold?

Bring in old newspapers for students to analyze for thoroughness in covering the news.

Strategies for analyzing Thoroughness:

Explain what message the medium is conveying. Is the message simply about sharing information, or is there another purpose? Some possible messages might be warning the public about something or making people aware of a social issue. These media messages may not always be obvious.
be aware that the why and how details about an event are often shared in interviews. On TV, the brief statements made by experts or witnesses are called sound bites. In printed news, they're called quotes.

Kids create newscast for school project.


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