Gracia Festival 2012 , a photo by Striker on Flickr. I always loved my English classes in high school because we read such beautiful literature~ Romeo and Juliet, To Kill a Mockingbird, Cyrano de Bergerac, Our Town, Death of a Salesman. I don't remember ever once reading an informational text or a piece of nonfiction. That wasn't what high school English was all about~save that boring stuff for the "other" academic classes. And (to quote most people my age) I turned out just fine. In fact, when it comes to English Language Arts, I turned out better than just fine~I scored an insanely high score on the ELA portion of the ACT. Other than allowing me the opportunity to CLEP out of my first two years of college English (I still had to pay for the credits), I'm not sure that the high score really meant much to anyone. Once I got into my college classes, I realized that everyone who was an English major had been top dog in that department in high school. ...