New Title, New Ideas

During this upcoming school year, I'll be teaching a sixth-grade intervention class. I'll need to develop lesson plans that supplement not only English, but also science and social studies. This is going to be tricky for someone who has only taught English. I have, however, taken a graduate class in Reading Intervention. (That sounds so pompous.) I'm both excited and a bit anxious. I'm having to step out of my comfort zone in order to do what is best for each student. My biggest hang up is going to be data keeping. I'm going to either have to develop or purchase an organization system that will allow me to track the students in the different subjects. I'm also anxious about helping students with science. It's not a subject that I particularly enjoy, nor am I good at it. I don't want my ideas or opinions to come through to the students. I will probably start researching topics and resources for these subjects as well as begin creating re...