A graphic organizer is a visual display that is used to depict the relationships between facts, terms, and ideas.

All of this within a reading and writing task. Graphic organizers provide a powerful visual representation of information, which allows the mind to creat patterns from information read. The symbols convey specific information. The purpose is to facilitate learning by projecting a complete picture of all of the facts and ideas. They can be constructed from a number of forms. They are also known by different names:

Knowledge Maps
Concept Maps
Story Maps
Cognitive Organizers
Concept Diagrams

Developing readers and writers love graphic organizers because they represent learning in a visual way. Their ability to learn increases dramatically. Teachers need to use different modalities to help these learners. Graphic organizers help students internalize their learning. Graphic organizers help students learn because they allow students to recreate the information in a way that is best for them. Graphic organizers support and enable students to internalize information and to see connections and patterns in a text. Some teachers keep a flip chart handy and complete graphic organizers together. Graphic organizers are used at all grade levels. They are most commonly used in elementary and middle schools.


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