Let the Music Begin (music in the classroom)

Photo courtesy of PianoTeacherNOLA

Music in the Classroom~all of the studies show you should. But, I've not had much success with it. I've used classical, jazz, contemporary, pop...and a mixture of world music. I've played it as kids are entering the room and as they're exiting. I've played it during writing time and during reading time. Most of the time it just seems like such a distraction. The students get so into the music that they can't stay on task. They see it as a time to just act silly. Am I doing it wrong? The only bit of success that I see is when I want the students to write to a specific musical prompt.

Any suggestions fellow teachers? 


  1. I have had a couple of classes where it worked (out of 10 years) but for the most part it's been a bust for me. The only time it has worked has been when they were supposed to be having quiet/rest time.

    My Kinder-Garden

  2. Thanks Crystal~at least I'm not alone on this one.


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