How Do Writers Communicate?

Powerful communicators know that planning is the key to good writing. Planning helps writers develop their ideas and then communicate them in a way that readers will understand and enjoy. Planning is an important part of a writing process that includes some basic steps, or stages. In one way or another, all writers use these basic steps:

1. Prewriting~thinking and plannin, coming up with a subject to write a bout, a purpose, and an audience; gathering ideas and details, making a plan for presenting ideas and details.

2. Writing~writing a first draft, using sentences and paragraphs to get dieas across; following a plan for presenting ideas.

3. Evaluating and Revising~reading over the draft to see what changes are needed; making changes to improve the draft.

4. Proofreading and Publishing~looking for and fixing mistakes; writing or printing out a final copy; sharing it with an audience.

Melissa Reese Etheridge


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