The Call to Write

The call to write may come from a teacher who assigns a paper, someone who wants to friend you on Facebook, or a supervisor at work. Maybe you keep a journal or write short stories. Maybe, like me, you write a blog. Perhaps you have to urge to write a letter to the editor or respond to one. People write because they feel a need to express themselves in writing. This feeling is your "call to write." It is the urge to put your thoughts, feelings, and emotions on paper (or in some digital media).


Analyze your reasons for writing, and you can deepen your understanding of your writing and other's writing. When you analyze writing and your reasons for doing so, you expand your writing toolbox. You might also develop a flexible range of genres in which to write on a daily basis.


Try it:


Choose a piece of writing that you've written in the past (try to think of something other than a school assignment). Now, write what called you to write that piece in the first place. How did you respond to that calling?


What was happening at the time that made you want to write it down? Why did you decide to respond in writing rather than taking some other action? What was your purpose? Your audience? What type of relationship did you want to establish with your audience? What was your tone? What was the mood of the writing? How did you make this decision?


Analyze this piece of writing and let it be your writing for today. Answer the call this morning…this instant.


Melissa Reese Etheridge
January 3, 2015


  1. That should help a lot of folks trying to come up with writing ideas.

  2. Thanks for the comment. Writing is my favorite hobby.


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