Since I write for a variety of on line sites, I have to have specific goals to keep myself organized and on task. Writing for yourself, especially as a part time job, can be tricky. Since my main income is from teaching, I only have a limited time to write.

I try to post to TSU at least three times per day. It's not so difficult, since the posts are short and sweet.

Writing for Persona Paper is a little different because the posts have to be longer. I really enjoy the community of writers that I get to interact with on that site.

HUBPAGES requires more time as the articles have to meet a certain criteria.  I post to PERSONA PAPER three times per day, also. I can only write on Hub about once per month.

I try to write here on BLOGGER three times per day also.

So, how do I come up with that many pieces to write? The good part is that I really love to write. Coming up with writing ideas is not that difficult.

I also create and write one new teaching resource per month. Those are difficult to put together and market.

My sales on FIVERR have really increased. I spent back to back time over the past few weeks just staying abreast of my orders.

Like any task, you get what you put into it. I've been putting a great deal of effort into my business. I've gotten notebooks together, so that I can keep my ideas better organized.

Well, it's going on my bedtime, so I'm going to say good night.


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