January 29, 2016

How can work affect our lives? what do you think of when you hear the word work? If your experience with projects or chores hasn't been pleasant, then words like boring and dull might come to mind. When you love what you do, however, work can become more than just a job.
What jobs might be interesting enough to build your life around? What characteristics would a job have to have in order to be more than just a job?
Rhyme is the repetition of sounds at the ends of words. A poet may use rhyme loosely, or develop a pattern of rhyme throughout the poem. Poems often have a regular rhythm.
John Masefield's love of the sea began in childhood. he received part of his education at a floating school, on a ship. his first job was a position on the crew of an ocean liner. Illness eventually forced him to leave the sea, but his love of water continued to play an important role in his life.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow got an early start to college--at age 14. By graduation, he had published nearly 40 poems. he is one of America's favorite poets.

Years ago in America, each village had a blacksmith. Using a roaring fire in his forge, teh blacksmith would shape iron into things like horseshoes, weapons, and tools.


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