Writing Prompt for "The First Emperor"
Texts needed for this assessment:
"The First Emperor"
"Digging up the Past"
Read the Prompt
The two selections that you have just read provide different kinds of information on the same topic. In writing assessments, you will often be asked to compare nonfiction selections that deal with a similar topic in different ways.
In three paragraphs, compare the main idea of "The First emperor" and "Digging Up the Past." Remember that the topic of each piece of writing is the same, but each presents different information. Support your comparison using details from each.
What are some strategies that you can use to unpack the prompt?
- I need to identify the similarities and differences in the main idea of each selection.
- I need to determine the type of information in each selection.
- I should include examples from the selections to support my ideas.
Plan Your Writing
Using the chart you filled out as you read, identify the ways in which the selections are alike and different. then think about how to present these similarities and differences.
- Decide on a position statement for your response.
- Review the selections to find details and examples that support your comparison.
- Create an outline to organize your ideas. This sample outline shows one way to organize your three paragraphs.
I. Introduction with thesis.
II. Main idea of first selection.
III. Main idea of second selection.
IV. Compare main ideas of selections.
Draft Your Response
Paragraph 1: Introduction with title of selection and authors' names. Briefly tell the main idea of each selection.
Paragraph 2: State the main idea of the first selection; include details from the text.
Paragraph 3: State the main idea of the second selection; include details from the text.
Paragraph 4: Compare and contrast the main ideas in each of the selections.
Paragraph 5: Conclusion that is a restatement of the introduction.
Revision Tip
Check that you have used good transitions!
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