May 31, 2016 I've Been Ill

What a great (note sarcasm here) way to begin my summer holiday. On Saturday evening, I began feeling puny. I had an upset stomach, fever, headache, chills. I felt like death warmed over as we say here in the south. I was really and truly sick all night on Saturday; by Sunday morning, I was finished vomiting and other stuff (just imagine) but I couldn't get out of bed, but I couldn't get very comfortable in bed either. I did manage to get a better sleep last night, but I still feel very weak and feverish today. I had great plans for working this weekend, too. Thomas was also sick this week with the same type of stomach bug. I hope that no one else gets it. 

Meatless Monday recipe? Try this yummy Cucumber Salad from Food Network. It's easy, fresh, and healthy!


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